BASIC COMPONENTS (Chapter in an Edited Book with 7 or More Authors)
For e-books, add the following:
Last name first, followed by first initial and (if given) additional initials. No blank space between initials.
Cooper T
Berben SAA
Gausche-Hill M
de la Peña SK
List only the first three authors. Separate names with a comma. Do not add the word "and" before the final author name. Add a comma and the phrase "et al" after the third author, followed by a period.
Mohammed WS, Al-Makramani BMA, Mehta V, et al.
Williams J, Gustafson M, Bai Y, et al.
Villegas-Aguilar E, Ropero-Padilla C, Martin-Ibañez L, et al.
Capitalize the first letter of the first word of the title. All other words remain fully uncapitalized except for: 1) the first letter of proper nouns; 2) acronyms; 3) other miscellaneous circumstances. Do not enclose the full article title in quotation marks. Do not capitalize the first letter of the first word of a subtitle (unless it constitutes an exception).
Tumors of the musculoskeletal system.
Chaucer, Lydgate, and the half-heard nightingale.
Good morning! you're going to die.
A global network: ultra-Protestant societies throughout the British world.
The mouse, the moneybox, and the six-footed scurrying solecism: satire and riddles in Seneca's letters.
1 Editor
Begin with the word "In" followed by a colon. Last name first, followed by first initial and (if given) additional initials. Add a comma, followed by the abbreviation "ed" and a period. No blank space between initials.
In: Warnakulasuriya S, ed.
In: Ong JM, ed.
In: Ganne-Carrie N, ed.
In: von Arx T, ed.
2 to 6 Editors
Begin with the word "In" followed by a colon. Last name first, followed by first initial and (if given) additional initials. Separate editors with a comma. Do not add the word "and" before the last editor name. Add a comma after the last editor name, followed by the abbreviation "eds" and a period.
In: Giacopuzzi S, Zanoni A, eds.
In: Tang ZY, Cuesta MA, Del Maschio A, eds.
In: Grasso M III, Traxer O, Hubosky MG, Bagley DH, eds.
In: Kurtycz DFI, Wojcik EM, Rosenthal DL, Pokorski M, Hagel C, eds.
In: Marin-Raventos G, Mishra DK, Jat DS, Nagar AK, Singh V, Gomes F, eds.
7 or More Editors
List only the first three editors. Begin with the word "In" followed by a colon. Last name first, followed by first initial and (if given) additional initials. Separate editors with a comma. Do not add the word "and" before the third editor name. Add a comma and the phrase "et al" after the third editor, followed by a another comma. Add the abbreviation "eds" and a period.
In: Rossi A, Nehal K, Sendin-Martin M, et al, eds.
In: Echevarría RG, Pérez Sánchez GA, De la Guardia RM, et al, eds.
In: Wu T, Bu N, Liu AH, et al, eds.
Italicize the full title. Capitalize the first letter of major words. Articles, conjunctions, prepositions (3 or fewer letters), and the "to" in infinitives should all remain in lowercase. End with a period.
Everything I Know About Women I Learned From My Tractor.
How to Preserve Animal and Other Specimens in Clear Plastic.
Why Cats Paint: A Theory of Feline Aesthetics.
Electricity in Gynaecology: The Practical Uses of Electricity in Diseases of Women.
Knitting With Dog Hair: Better a Sweater From a Dog You Know and Love Than From a Sheep You'll Never Meet.
EDITION (if any)
Include edition information when given. Present numbers as ordinals--2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. Do not superscript the letters (2nd = wrong; 2nd = right). Add the abbreviation "ed" followed by a period.
7th ed.
21st ed.
Rev ed.
5th rev ed.
Updated ed.
Include the publisher's name as given on the title page, modifying it as follows:
Add a semicolon following the publisher's name.
Springer Pub. Co. ►►► Springer Pub Co;
W.W. Norton & Company ►►► WW Norton & Co;
Holt, Rinehart and Winston ►►► Holt Rinehart & Winston;
Neil M. Davis Associates ►►► Neil M Davis Associates;
The University of Chicago Press ►►► University of Chicago Press;
The year of copyright/publication and page number(s) form an unbroken character string. Do not include blank spaces. Place a colon after the year and a period after the page number(s).
DATE OF ACCESS / URL (e-books only)
Include the word "Accessed" followed by the date of access (month day [comma] year) and a period. Do not abbreviate the month. Then add a stable URL for the book. Do not include a period after the URL.
Accessed September 14, 2016.
Accessed June 5, 2021.
Accessed February 29, 2020.
SAMPLE REFERENCES (Chapter in an Edited Book with 7 or More Authors)
Mete R, Georgousopoulou EN, Mellor DD, et al. Weight management in adults. In: Hankey C, ed. Advanced Nutrition and Dietetics in Obesity. BDA/Wiley Blackwell; 2018:139-259. Accessed January 13, 2023.
King PL, Wheeler VM, Renggli CJ, et al. Gas-solid reactions: theory, experiments and case studies relevant to earth and planetary processes. In: King PL, Fegley BJ Jr, Seward T, eds. High Temperature Gas-Solid Reactions in Earth and Planetary Processes. De Gruyter; 2018:1-56.
Shamblott MJ, Kerr CL, Axelman J, et al. Derivation and differentiation of human embryonic germ cells. In: Lanza R, Gearhart J, Hogan B, et al, eds. Essentials of Stem Cell Biology. 2nd ed. Academic Press; 2009:381-390.
Gremo F, Sogos V, Ennas MG, et al. Features and functions of human microglia cells. In: Filogamo G, Vernadakis A, Gremo F, Privat AM, Timiras PS, eds. Brain Plasticity: Development and Aging. Plenum Press; 1997:79-97.
Juárez M, López-Campos Ó, Prieto N, et al. Carcass characteristics and meat quality of bison, buffalo, and yak. In: Lorenzo JM, Munekata PES, Barba FJ, Toldra F, eds. More Than Beef, Pork and Chicken: The Production, Processing, and Quality Traits of Other Sources of Meat for Human Diet. Springer; 2019:95-117. Accessed July 15, 2020.