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Rules Governing Copying through the Print Shop
- Photocopy requests made through the Print Shop must meet the rules governing “Multiple Copies for Classroom Use” set out above. Thus, the Print Shop will not duplicate copyrighted materials without written permission from the publisher or verification that the above prohibitions have been observed and that the brevity, spontaneity and cumulative effects tests for “fair use” have been met.
- The creation of anthologies or collected works by copying various printed articles or works is not “fair use’ and is prohibited by copyright law unless permission is obtained from the copyright owner. The Print Shop will not print or assemble “textbooks” composed of various photocopied materials without the written permission of the copyright owners.
- The Print Shop will not print or copy consumable materials, such as workbook pages, tests, answer sheets or other consumable materials, without receiving verification that the owner has given permission.
- Students may not be charged more than the actual cost of copying.
- Faculty members requesting photocopying through the Print Shop must complete a Requisitions Form and provide an assurance that written permission of the copyright owner has been obtained or that the photocopying meets the requirements for “fair use.” (Contact the Print Shop for forms and instructions).