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Sociology: Find Articles

LibKey Nomad Description

Find an article you like with Google Scholar? Is it stuck behind a paywall?


LibKey Nomad easily connects researchers to full text articles that the library has provided access to when using sites such as Google Scholar, PubMed, websites, and publisher pages; instantly and in one-click!

LibKey Nomad is a browser extension for Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Brave, and Vivaldi browsers.


At this time, LibKey Nomad is only for computers and laptops. It does not work on phones or tablets. 

Find Full Text

Find the Full Text

When you're going through your search results, there are a few ways to find the full-text of an article:

PDF Icon

Click on the PDF Full Text link.

Find it button

Click on the Find it! button to find the article through another resource.

Journal Finder

Don't see a PDF Full Text link or Find it! button? Try searching for the journal title (i.e. American Journal of Nursing) in Journal Finder.

Article Request

Still can't find the full-text?! Submit an Article Request form. Please note that it may take several days to process your request!

Best Bets-Sociology and Criminology Databases for Finding Articles

Below are 3 databases that are best bets for starting your search.  However, you will also find articles in other databases that deal with specific populations, be sure to check out the Additional Resources as well listed below.

Additional Article Databases that cover areas of Sociology and Crime