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RS 342: History of Christianity: MLA Documentation Style

A course guide for RS 342 History of Christianity

Getting Help with MLA Style




  • Your Instructor
    • Always a good starting point for solving your MLA-related problems.

  • Reference Librarian for Religion (see contact information on first page)
    • Provides timely assistance with use of the MLA style manual, with formatting MLA style references, and with the related use of citation management software Zotero. Assists students with typical questions and difficulties that don't necessitate the more extensive services provided by The Writing Center (see below).

  • Other UC Librarians
    • Ditto. Click here to make an appointment.

  • The Writing Center (2nd floor, Besse Library)
    • Provides in-depth assistance with papers, including the application of MLA and other documentation styles. Click here to make an appointment.

Zotero Video Tutorial