Inclusive Access is a program that some colleges and universities are experimenting with to provide their students access to commercially published textbooks, in the form of ebooks, on Day One of class. It is typically arranged between the campus bookstore and the Bursar's Office. All students, registered for a specific course, are given access to digital course materials on Day One of classes through their institution’s Learning Management System. Here at Ursuline that would be Desire 2 Learn. The price of the e-textbook (often reduced) is typically added as a class fee to the student's account when they register for the class. Students are also given the option to opt out of receiving the e-textbook if they prefer a physical copy of the textbook.
Ursuline College now leverages the Follett ACCESS program, a powerful and convenient program designed to ensure students get the course materials they need to succeed prior to your first day of lecture! We will be piloting the program next year (2021-2022) for Undergraduate (non-UCAP) and SDAP students.
If you have any questions about the Follett ACCESS program, please contact Kendra Coreno, our Follett Bookstore Manager, at 440.449.5368