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Grants and Grant Proposal Writing: Characteristics of Good Proposals

Provides introductory information about grants and the proposal writing process.



Twelve Characteristics of a Good Proposal (from The Insider's Guide to Grantmaking: How Foundations Find, Fund, and Manage Effective Programs, Jossey-Bass, 2000)

  • The applicant's idea is innovative.
  • The applicant has expertise, but also an understanding of its weaknesses.
  • The applicant has done the needed homework.
  • The applicant is doing the project with, not to, those it is trying to help.
  • The applicant is other-centered, not self-centered.
  • The applicant will invest its own money in the project.
  • The applicant is determined to do the project, no matter what.
  • The applicant has devised a comprehensive approach.
  • The applicant will work collaboratively with others who can help.
  • The applicant is willing to have an evaluator assess the project.
  • The applicant will continue, the project after foundation funding ceases.
  • The applicant's project has the potential for broader impact.