SWOT Analysis
To identify a company's position in an industry, look at it's SWOT Analysis. To access them in Business Source Complete
Search the company's name and limit source type to SWOT Analyses.
Company Profiles
Marketline Company Profiles will provide an overview of the company and it's history, employees within the company, and key competitors.
To access them in Business Source Complete choose More at the top of the search screen followed by Company Profiles.
Nexis Uni provides company reports and financial information from various sources. Use the guided search to access this information.
Web Resources
The Business Inquiries allow users to search and retrieve data and images maintained in the Business Database. The Business Database is a collection of files that records business filings submitted to, and approved by the Ohio Secretary of State. The database maintains records For Profit Corporations, Non-Profit Corporations, Professional Associations, Foreign Corporations, Foreign Name Registrations, Business Trusts, Real Estate Trusts, Fictitious Names, Trade Names, Limited Liability Companies,Limited Liability Partnerships, Limited Partnerships, Trademarks, Service Marks, and Name Reservations. These filings are recorded and maintained in accordance with the Ohio Revised Code.