The Library's online catalog is used to discover books and audio visual materials found in the library, as well as online books and videos available through our subscriptions. When searching the catalog keep in mind the following.
- Use keywords is best when searching to discover material on a specific topic. Only use a title search when you know the exact title of an item.
- Use broad search terms when conducting your search. Materials such as these are not as easily discoverable at times due to the nature of their records.
- If you find a couple titles that look applicable to your topic check out the subject terms in the record. If you see any that are common click on them to find other titles with the same subject term.
- Always remember we are a member of OhioLINK. If you don't find material relating to your topic in our library, or our copy is checked out, click on the OhioLINK button to find requestable material through other OhioLINK libraries.