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Zotero Storage Information

Zotero Storage

Zotero provides cloud-based storage, see table below. "Zotero Storage synchronizes your Zotero library which includes citations, PDFs, images, etc. automatically among all your computers. This default setting will take most of your storage space* (especially PDFs). If you only want to sync the citations (just plain text) to save space, follow the directions below. 

  1. Open Zotero
  2. In Zotero, open Preferences
  3. Select the "Sync" tab in Preferences
  4. Deselect the Sync files (bottom two check boxes)
  5. Ok

* You are warned when you are approach you free space limit

Individual Pricing

(Ursuline College does not have an institutional subscription)

Storage Limit Cost (USD)
300 MB Free
2 GB $20/year (equal to $1.67 per month)
6 GB $60/year (equal to $5 per month)
Unlimited $120/year (equal to $10 per month)